Our Partners
Kenya Aid partners with a range of non-government organisations, Kenyan government ministries and corporate and private donors. These relationships help us empower the local community to create self-reliant, sustainable health programs that serve the local community and surrounds.
MURUDEF (Muma Urban Rural Development Foundation) is Kenya Aid’s main partner in Kenya.
Founded in 1997 and registered with the non-governmental organisations coordination board of Kenya in 1999, MURUDEF is a local not-for-profit organisation initiating change and development in Western Kenya. Staffed by members of the local community, MURUDEF relies solely on donor contributions from friends and the generosity of its volunteers, both local and international.
Valuing equality, justice and respect, MURUDEF offers hope and development opportunities through the provision of services for all, irrespective of age, gender, race, religion, tribe or financial status. By working with the entire community it is able to bring people together in a circle of equality that is mutually beneficial for everyone involved.
Motivated by the extreme poverty seen in parts of Western Kenya, MURUDEF operates three main divisions of service – education, health care and community development. Each program is focused on teaching members of the community how to develop life sustaining activities whether through adequate schooling, the provision of basic health and nutrition services or business training.
MURUDEF’s program coordinator, Mr Onesmus Mmasi, coordinates and manages Kenya Aid’s in-country projects.

Kenya Aid partners with a range of non-government organisations, Kenyan government ministries and corporate and private donors to provide financial support to community led in-country health programs in rural Western Kenya.
Local Government
Kenya Aid works closely with local government bodies to ensure its programs meet Kenyan standards and work with existing local frameworks.
Our ambulatory service is a great example of how we work with the local government to benefit the broader community. This vehicle is regularly utilised by government bodies to provide mobile immunisation services across Western Kenya as well as providing patient transport to larger public hospitals in the area.
We are also working closely with the government to provide and extend the work of community health workers. The Shikunga Community Hospital has and continues to be used as a training facility for this government funded program which educates and trains local volunteers to spread vital health messages throughout their communities.