About Kenya
Kenya is a country in East Africa, bordering Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia, Uganda and Tanzania. It has a population of approximately 40 million which come from more than 70 tribal groups.
Largely known for its expanse of tourist attractions, Kenya remains to this day a country struggling with the effects of material poverty, disease and the impacts of colonialism.
More than 50% of the population lives below the national poverty line, with 40% living on less than $2 a day and almost half the population are aged under 14 years.
Child mortality rates are also staggeringly high with 85 deaths per 1,000 live births. Disease, lack of quality antenatal care and hunger cause the majority of these deaths. In Australia, this figure is just 4.61.
Many African countries, including Kenya, have been decimated by HIV. The rate of HIV is significantly higher in Kenya at 6.3% compared to Australia’s 0.10%. Education and detection programs, alongside quality treatment – especially those that deal with mother to child transmission – are essential in reducing the burden of HIV/AIDS in Kenya.
Sadly, it’s the simple things that too often cause death and disability in Kenya. Food and waterborne diseases are responsible for the majority of infant and child deaths, alongside the constant threat of malaria.
These preventable disease and a lack of access to essential vaccinations cause avoidable and un-necessary deaths, especially in rural areas.

More than 50% of Kenyan's live below the national poverty line, wtih 40% living on less than $2 a day.